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Preparing Digital Images for Competition


This is a guide to preparing digital images for competition and projection so that your projected digital images are seen on screen as you see them on your monitor and to see your images projected to the maximum that our state of the art projector/laptop/screen combination is capable of,  it is important that they be saved in the following format:
Colour Space sRGB – maximum 1600 pixels wide and maximum 1200 pixels high


Converting to a new profile

If the image has any profile other than the required sRGB then it needs to be converted in Photoshop
Here’s what to do :

  • Open image in Photoshop

  • From the ‘Edit’ menu choose ‘Convert to Profile'

  • A dialogue box will open 

  • ‘Source Space’ is the current embedded profile of your image file.

  • ‘Destination space’ is the profile you wish to convert to.

  • In the drop down menu locate and click on sRGB IE61966-2.1 (there’s a long list of profiles but all the common ones are grouped together at the top

  • Conversion options can be left as default.

Click OK but don’t save your file yet.


Resizing the image

  •  Images should be no wider than 1600 pixels and no higher than 1200 pixels

  • From the ‘Image Menu’ choose ‘Image Size’

  • In the lower part of the dialogue box, check the three boxes – Scale Styles, Constrain Proportions and

  • Resample Image then, from the drop down menu, choose ‘Bicubic Sharper’

  • Now, type in the pixel dimensions. If the image is portrait (upright) format, the height is the priority dimension ie., 1200 pixels.

  • If the image is landscape format (horizontal) then the width is the priority dimension ie., 1600 pixels

  • For an image that is landscape format, type in only the width 1600 and check that the number in the height box is no larger than 1200. For an image that is portrait format, type in only the height 1200 and check that the number in the width box is less than 1200

Now, if all is correct, click OK

Captioning the image
For DPS competitions the format must be:

  • Membership Number-Title-Competition eg: 99-The Winner-P2B

Saving the image
For DPS internal competitions a file can be saved as a  ‘high’ jpeg.  ie. a compression level of 12

  •  From the ‘File’ menu, choose ‘Save As’

  • Type in your chosen file name, then from the drop down Format menu, chose jpeg then click SaveT

  • A final dialogue box appears ‘Jpeg Options’ and this is where you decide the file size by choosing the compression level >
in ‘Image Options’ enter the number 12. All other options can be left as default.

Now click OK

Your image file should now be ready to send to your competition secretary. BUT before you do, why not check those pixel dimensions again? Is it no wider than 1600 pixels and no higher than 1200 pixels? NOTE Requirements for some external competitions, eg., PAGB, vary from those of Durham Photographic Society but the methods of adjustment remain the same.



Copyright Durham Photographic Society 2025

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